Tuesday, January 6, 2009

An inspirational quote to start the new year

Disclaimer: it is not my creation.

I don't remember where I had seen this or who wrote it, came across it while browsing through some old collection of quotes (college time hobby).

And as expected, got inspired by it - once again.

To dream the impossible dream,
To fight the unbeatable foe,
To bear with unbearable sorrow,
To run where the brave dare not go,

This is my quest to follow that star,
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far.

To fight for the right without question or pause,
To be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause.

Best wishes for the new year!

May this year bring us peace which is not at the cost of innocent lives.
And may we have the courage and the wisdom to defend us and punish the criminals conspiring against our country.


The Seeker said...

All theses heroic deeds, though inspiring, are so far from being achievable in the real sense of life. At the heart of every hero, I guess lies compassion for everything and the courage to stand up for what is right, anywhere, anytime. But, isn't that expected of everyone? So, everyone should be a hero. Correct? We can see from history that there has been a steady decline in the number of heroes and real leaders. It makes me suspect that there is some issue with our upbringing and the kind of lives we're leading. We've become oblivious of our society and nature. We're busy running the rat race trying to attain I don't know what. Can we say that we don't have issues in our current times which are as significant as slavery, dictatorship, etc.? Then, why are we not seeing any hero or leader emerge out of somewhere and fight for the common cause? Has the complexity of the issues transcended the capacity of humans? No! We've degraded ourselves and we've have forgotten the basics and essentials of humanity. There is a desperate need for Humanity 101.

The truth is that we're lost. We 'think' we're going somewhere, but we're not going to reach where we're supposed to reach.

We need some directions.

If only we can stop, think, and listen, we can get the correct directions.

Let us take some time off and do this favor for ourselves!

Bijayalaxmi Nanda said...

Shall I say a bit more optimism never hurts?

Continuous self-introspection is what is needed, definitely, for everybody. But would not it be nice to assume that we have 'heroes', we have 'good, nice, wise, loving, caring' people, even in this era of rat race and money-age?

I guess all we need to do is look around, and find our heroes - they do exist, even in this era.

That is at least what I would like to believe!