Thursday, January 31, 2008

Welcome to the 'I Live in a Free World' blog

We are human beings, and we are free from the fear of any other species on earth!

Still, what is it that holds us back, whenever we want to pour our mind, our heart ? What is the fear of expression ? Is it the expected norms of society ? Or of the law ? Or is it we, ourselves, to blame for all the loneliness in this world?

humane and humans everywhere, not a single one to care!

Or do we ?

Let me ask, Are we really free ?

Here is an excerpt from the Saint Poet - Nobel prize winner - Rabindranath Tagore's poem on freedom:

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;

Where knowledge is free;

Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls;

Where words come out from the depth of truth;

Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;

Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;

Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action--

Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.

-- Rabindranath Tagore

With that theme, let me set tone for this blog, I am planning to pour my mind into this, to share with you how and what I think, and to answer your concerns or queries based on my knowledge of the world and its function.

Feel free to ask any random question on this blog, and hopefully I will have some answer for you, although limited by mind ...



Hemant Khachane said...

We are always free. Its our nature. Mind can accept any boundary anywhere. But the reality is that, by its very nature, existence cannot have any boundary, because what will be beyond the boundary - again another sky. We always misinterprete loneliness and aloness.When you are alone you are not alone, you are simply lonely - and there is a tremendous difference between loneliness and aloneness. When you are lonely you are thinking of the other, you are missing the other. Loneliness is a negative state. You are feeling that it would have been better if the other were there - your friend, your wife, your mother, your beloved, your husband. It would have been good if the other were there, but the other is not. Loneliness is absence of the other. Aloneness is the presence of oneself. Aloneness is very positive. It is a presence, overflowing presence. You are so full of presence that you can fill the whole universe with your presence and there is no need for anybody.If you enjoy aloneness, you are always free.

Bijayalaxmi Nanda said...

Whatever you have written is very true. But the question is not only about whether we are free, it is also about do we exhibit our free nature ? And if not, why is that so ? Is it that we are afraid of something ? We either want to protect an image or project ourselves as something that we are not by nature or whatever...

We are lonely in our own world where we are something but can't show it.

Osho Rajnish once said that a man shows his trueself in his bathroom, where he is sure that nobody can look at him and think otherwise about his persona, he can make faces, laugh or cry at himself. In my opinion, if you can't be yourself everywhere, then you are not free. And I see tons of people around who exhibit different characteristics under different circumstances.

When all minds are mature to accept everybody's natural characteristics, without being judgemental, then we can call ourselves as free, that is what I feel.

Hemant Khachane said...

Yes that’s true. We have been conditioned from childhood with certain laws of society. There is always labeling of Good or bad to everything that exists around us. So each one of us has some self image in our mind and which we always try to protect becz it has been taught to be goody goody or baddy baddy in front of others depending on circumstances. That is pattern dragged in our subconscious mind.

Again one more thing that we need to define. What is Freedom? Then only we can think whether we exhibit this nature or not.

If we take example of animals, they seem to be always free. They do not have any society, bindings, any intelligence and they are not afraid of doing anything in front of anyone. But this kind freedom will be at very very macro level. The freedom that we are interested is subtle thing for which every sentient and in-sentient particle try.

Every Human is Animal by nature with some more external knowledge.

As per Osho, emotion can never be suppressed; it needs to be expressed in right manner.

Freedom is subtle state of oneself where all anticipation, maturity, logic gets dropped.

Personally I feel that our freedom can not be decided by anyone's acceptance of our true nature using mind. As long as mind exists, one can not be free. Because mind is continuous flow of thoughts like potential difference which always needs two levels.

So I personally feel that doing every act with totality (100% Devotion), and with awareness will make us free. What I meant by totality is, if we drink cup of tea, how long we enjoy each sip of tea. Initially 2-3 sip we drink with sense and then we drink it either talking with some friends or thinking about past of future. When we are aware and drink each sip of tea with enjoy sense and totality we are free at that time itself.

Even when we see any true professional martial art master singer, dancer are performing, they just enjoy their work with totality and awareness.

One Famous Saying of Osho ( which I like most), is
“The easy way of going is to forget the way and then forget that going is easy”

Bijayalaxmi Nanda said...

Great, that is what I wanted to reach at, one needs to understand one's trueself, be aware, and be free of prejudices and develop the ability of accepting the truth. And to improve on whatever shortcomings, one needs to elevate the mind at least a few levels above the regular animal instinct.