Friday, December 5, 2008

Gloom and sadness everywhere apart from the petrol price

More and more evidence is pointing to security lapses and intelligence failure that led to Mumbai terror attack. Now you get one more channel to vent out your anger, not only our politicians, but security forces are also inefficient in planning and looking into the future.

The drama called 'maharastra CM selection'... need I tell you more?

Look at this list of thoughts in an indian's mind:

  • Our intelligence agency RAW is going through a lot of internal problems and is not able to focus on national security.
  • Our intenal intelligence agency IB has not been able to provide actionable and specific information about domestic security.
  • Our police force is ill-equipped.
  • Our politicians (and you know what and how the most of them are) control how the security resources are deployed inside the country - using their own IQ level.
  • The only visible thing so far has been done by the government after terror attacks is to change the political kursi-holders, like musical chairs, just rotate your guys and call them 'able leaders' so that public is happy for the time being in anticipation of some responsible action.
  • USA does not want India to take any military action that might hamper their cause at this time.
  • Pakistan goverment as usual makes vague and non-actionable statements which means 'we won't do anything', 'this too, shall pass'.

    Sad and gloomy I would say, I don't feel any better after knowing about all measures taken by the government. May god save the people of this country!

    I am confused with all the different haphazard reports by different media groups.
    I don't know still how the investigation is going on and what exactly that captured terrorist has been saying about the source of the terror elements from where he came.

    This is what is called a democratic country and free media - keep people confused and distracted so that, the show goes on, no matter how badly and how slowly.

    The only thing I feel good at this point is the reduction in petrol price.

  • Tuesday, December 2, 2008

    A joke called after-events of the terror strike

    R. R. Patil is gone.
    Some chiefs of securiy agencies are gone.
    Shivraj Patil is gone.
    Deshmukh will go.

    What the heck! Will that improve the situation? What is the hope? Anybody out there who believes that given these leaders are gone and some others will take over, our cities and people will be safer?

    Do we have the guts to bombard the training camps in Muzzafarabad or Karachi in Pakistan that are producing these terror elements? NO!

    We will keep pressurizing Pakistan to handover the known terrorists, list of 20, you remember? From good old 10 years back list? Huh! Who cares? Have they ever handed over any terrorist so far? Why will they do it now?

    I wonder what this is all about, and do our politicians and ministers really have any power to take any strong steps. Military action is out of question, as USA would not want it at such a delicate point of their own fight with Afganistan and Iraq. They need Pakistan army to guard the Afganistan border.

    What will happen next?

    Our investigation agencies will claim that they have enough proof against terror elements in Pakistan, Pak govt will say they don't agree - there is not much evidence, and then the whole cycle will be paused until next attack.

    I am really sick and tired of seeing these things again and again. We citizens are really helpless, we can't defend ourselves, we don't have the flexibility of voting for better men/women as they are simply not into politics, and our security agencies are equally helpless in terms of power and duties to the netas.

    God help this country, and for the first time in my life I feel secure about our 100+ crore population, it will take lot more terrorists lot many years to wipe out us all - some will survive and reproduce to keep India afloat - in whatever shape and condition.

    Huh, enough consolation to myself.